Friday, May 22, 2020

Why Female Lions Are More Dangerous Than Male Lions?

Male and female lions both are different from each other, containing their biological characteristics, their role within the social structure, and the path their lives take. Lions actually represent the pinnacle of the cat world. These magnificent animals are now found only in parts of Sub Saharan Africa, plus a minor population of Asian lions in the Gir forest of India. Male lions have an iconic mane that encircles their head but female lions do not. Mature male lions weigh between 265 and 395 lbs. male lions length easily reach 10 feet and female lions length generally less than 9 feet long. Both have a different lifespan, males typically live 12 years, a female average of the lifespan of 15 years. As male lions are social cats, live in groups called pride. Female lions continue with their birth pride for life. Male lions are especially responsible for this safety of their pride. They participate in hunting, majority of their time they spend on security guards. While female lions are the primary responsible for hunting, this occurs after dark. Female lions are also the primary caregivers for lion cubs. Female lions have one to six cubs, with the average being two or four. These cubs weigh 2 to 4 lbs. All females give birth at the same time and then co raise the pride's cubs. Time period of cub’s independence is around two years of age. Male's role in child development is primarily protection.

Mating behavior of lions is a very painful process for the female lions. The penis of lions is barbed and its isolation hurts the female who may around the attack the dismounting male. During the mating pain it is necessary as it is the panic to her system that induces development and permits fertilization. Female lions are stronger and commonly faster than males. Female lions camouflage better than males. Male lions are successful hunters; their main target category is all type of male groups, particularly non-territorial males, and Buffalos. While females preyed on the most sufficient medium size ungulates, such as wildebeest, connochaetes, and zebra. Thus intraspecific prey choice separation is based on intersexual, and to a lesser magnitude, social differences. 

In the wild, male lions are totally dominated by female lions. In the wild, groups of female lions do attack lions, for the defense of their cubs or territory and such amazing incidents have been filmed at Safari parks. In wildlife, male lions kill cubs usually when they take over new territory another pride to stack the claim on the females. Male lions can execute female lions that refuse to mate. Female lions feed themselves firstly with cubs getting the scarps. Lions sometimes become the victim of their intended prey.

Female lions kill the cubs of the opponent pride, but they never kill the cubs of their own pride mates. Both male and female lions are good in the hunt, the reason is that the female hunt more continually, is because they make must spend more time defending his territory. 



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