Elephants are animals
with tremendous memories. Elephants are strong creatures. The African elephants
embodying two living species first are the African Bush elephant and the second
one is African forest elephant. African forest elephant also called African
savanna elephant. Both species are herbivores and live in the forms of
minorities. Both have different sizes by their ears and tusks and shape and the
size of their skulls. Their skin color is grey. Both Bush and forest species
are listed as vulnerable species on the IUN Red List since 2004 and both are
endangered by habitat loss and fragmentation. African elephants are called the
gigantic turf animals on earth. They are larger in size than their Asian
cousin’s elephants.
A grown-up African
elephant carried 6.6 tons weight. The female African elephant has a long incubation
duration averaging 640 days. Bush African elephant encompasses the weight 3.2m.
The incubation duration of the African Bush Elephant is 22 months. Both African
Bush and forest elephants have different cargo, Bush has 6,000kg and the forest
has 2,700kg. They completed their life in 60-70 years. Having a baby elephant
is in a serious ailment. They have their gestation than other mammals. Their
pregnancy time period is almost about 22 months.
Their long noses,
trunks, large floppy ears, wide and thick legs, there is no other animal like
them. African elephants survive their life in Sub Saharan Africa. Both male and
female African elephants have two fingers at the end of their trunks that help
them to pick segments up. They spend about 16 hours eating, consuming anywhere
from 165 to 330lbs. Their per day food limit is 75-150kg. African elephants
essentially eat leaves, branches, bushes, trees, and also eat grasses, fruit,
and bark. African elephant once strolled across the landmass from the northern
Mediterranean seaboard to the southern tip. Now African elephants are
restricted to a much smaller range. Heretofore 1979, African elephants have
lost over 50% of their population. West countries count their forest elephants
in minimum counting which is overall ten or hundred on the other side Savannah
elephant population counted in very large and intensifying with almost 300,000
elephants strolling across the sub-region at this time. Thousands of elephants
are annihilated every year for the sake of their tusks. China is in a semblance
of all this dealing value for such stocks. African elephants don’t need much
sleep, their memory is spectacular, have a record of long pregnancies, they are
creative communicators, their memory us too much remarkable, they are emotional
creatures, their families led by a female elephant.
African elephants are
the animals that lived the best life on the earth. African elephants love to
eat tree bark which contains calcium and roughage, which promotes
digestion. An adult male elephant can
drink up to 212L, 55gal of water in less than five or six minutes. Their
important tool is trunk for digging and fighting. African elephants are
matriarchal, which means their organizations are led by female elephants.
Between 1970 and 1990 hunting and poaching are the main rationales to put the
elephants at the risk of expiration, reducing the population of African
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