Sunday, May 3, 2020

Animal's With The Lowest Preference For Mercy

Animals look good with their breathtaking looks, but they are beast in nature as well. Some of the animals have no mercy for other animals and humans too. So here are two of them. Do not stop near to them just because of their beauty, because they can bring you to death. Beware of huge or maybe small animals who love to attract their prey so that they can get fantastic food to eat. Animals have more dangerous habits than lions, sharks, tiger. Let have some little details on them.


They like to eat dolphins - as long as they contain meat, fat, and blood, they want to eat everything. You might think of polar bears as land mammals, but that's not entirely true. They are considered aquatic mammals. These are the best swimmers of all land mammals, and you can easily land thousands of kilometres (.). You can swim a whole week without stopping. Therefore, nothing is safe from these polar bears in the water.

Take Beluga. What? Yes: white dolphin. The maximum length is 5.5 meters, and the weight is approx. 2 tons.
Polar bears love these guys. So they find a breathing hole in the ice and wait. Until some Beluga can't wait and try to hold their breath. If the polar bear cannot pull it out, a big mistake will occur. Polar bears jump in quickly and hunt underwater. No problem. The Beluga taste is damn!
Polar bears love seals, but they also love baby seals. As a small snack. Think about WALRUS. Males have enormous fangs and weigh up to 4,400 pounds. Polar bears love to invite these fats to a nice romantic dinner! Rouge, blood, skin, hair - what a pleasure! Sometimes that's not enough. And some big fat whales die (almost) and are chained up.


We all like penguins. They are cute and white and look like little butlers. The breed mentioned above, Adelie Penguin, is one of the smallest. And one of the hottest. That's true. The male Adelie penguin is probably the sexually most inappropriate animal in the world. In Adelie's population, it has been discovered that male Adelie is a 24/7 sex-machine. They had sex with everything.
• Homosexuality: Adelie for men who chat every day.
• Rape: Men chase potential women, especially injured people who cannot resist and escape.
• Pediatric love: Baby Adelie, who has left the nest, fell victim to the appetite of men, even if she had just hatched or was alone.
• Necrosis: Men showed no hesitation in dealing with the body of a dead Adelie. Experiments were conducted a few years later that showed that Adelie's amputated head was caught on a pole with false eyes, just enough to excite the man.
It may recklessly call the aggressiveness and bad habits of lions, tigers, and chimpanzees, but a perverse penguin grows with the desire and self-control of Ted Bandy, Jeffrey Dermer, and Bill Cosby.


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