Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Performance Animal's Have A Risk Of Death

Animals are a valuable creature in this beautiful world. In this world, people just focus on their own values, needs, and social issues. They are not now kind-hearted people. They just think about themselves. There are many animals on this earth are suffering from unbelievable circumstances. People kept them in cages, not gives them proper food, care, environment, even people just make use of animals to make their lives easy. They start their business with the help of animals. Just because of humans carelessness animals’ performance has a risk of death.
The circus animals confined for hours, days in their traveling cages. For the traveling manager, it is impossible to provide circus animals with the facilities they need. Traveling circus is a way to earn a lot of money; it’s a type of trade. In the UK these circuses have recently included such diverse animals as dogs, lion, tigers, alligators, snakes, camels, ducks, parrots, horses, and elephants. Many other European countries include polar bears, rhinos, and hippos.

Elephants are living in social large groups or herds and travel on average of 25km per day. In the wild, they have to live their life with their own rules. In the circus, when these wild animals caged in a cage, they spend most of each day chained by a front and a hind leg, standing on uncomfortable places wooden or metal board in a tent. They can only shuffle a pace or two backward or forwards. In short circus elephants spend almost their full day hardly able to move. In 2009, freedom for animal’s undercover investigation found elephants at the great British circus we’re chained 11 hours a day.

Studies have shown that these animals (big cats, most commonly tigers and lions) spend most of the day in these small mobile cages. Animals’ natural instincts and behaviors are frustrated by these illegal circuses. Horse and ponies are stunning animals. They are extremely social. They are confined in tents, separated from their spouses by stalls, which do not allow mutual grooming or socializing. Behavioral abnormalities many times have been observed in circus horses and many other animals.

Animals training behind closed doors, which are very secretive, many cases found where brutal training methods have come to light. The training of circus animals is revealed by the tool of the trade. In 2009, a freedom for animal’s investor working at the great British circus, that elephant trainer using a sharp goad on and during the show, the trainer was careful to hide this sharp goad from the audience by holding it alongside his arms.
Researchers from many universities concluded that circuses fail to provide some of the most basic needs of wild animals. Animals’ basic needs are space and the most important thing is the social group. In the same way, the zoo is another side of torture for animals. The zoo is also called a place of psychological torture. Animals of the zoo are caged for their entire life and bound to develop the opportunity to fulfill the range of their needs and interests. In short cruel people restrict the performance of animals. These restrictions are the main reason for their life’s end.


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