Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Behavior Which Reminds Me That Humans Are Just Animal's

Many natures or types of emotions of humans are just like animals. They have anger, love for others, or family. Humans and animals have many similarities in their behaviors. That is the reason scientist says humans resemble to monkeys. Many animals have some habits like humans too, like parrots help other parrots, like cape buffalo or many birds and cattle humans live in groups or societies form resistance. So here are some natures of humans that show they are just like animals.

Humans just behave like animals when they see a threat and danger around themselves. They move in the form of herds, or you can say crowd form or in groups. Humans instinctively know this. The safest place in the danger is to stay together and face a threat altogether. When there is the initial shock, humans move to the defensive crouch, look and try to find the situation to control or run just like mad cape buffalo to anywhere they can find any way to get rid of that danger.

If  you have ever observed, animals have the same habits as humans, or maybe humans have the same habits just like animals. But apart from this argument, both of them learn their basis from the observations and doing mimicry of word, deeds, task what they see others doing. If you have ever noticed a thing when there is a small baby in the room of 2 years old or older than this. He/she will try to smile when the baby sees you and others are smiling. They smile to get the reactions from others like elders present in the room. When the baby smiles and gets a positive response, they smile back. It is the called the learning by observation. Whenever a mother or father says some words in front of the baby they will try to say those words. Yes, this can be different in an animal that, while doing the mimicry and action by copying humans or another animal they do not know why this action is happening and may get hurt and have to face death. 

As we know, when humans get angry, they become beast. This nature of human resemble to the animals so much. When the animals get angry and go anything irritated to them, they flew in the rage and turn into the beast form. Human’s beast mode is on when they get angry on any other human being or many more than one or if they get anger on any animal. Beast mode means they get violated, and some of them try to kills or some they just try to injure other living beings so that they get rid of them. As it is recorded when humans show more emotions of anger they get worse effect from their health and maybe from circumstance. Because of this beast mode of humans, many humans do the crime of dangerous types in their societies. They kill people just because of their aggression from anything. Sometimes these criminals kill innocent people to satisfy their aggressive nature of the beast in them. It is said humans are humans until unless they are clam, but when they get angry or get out of control, they are terrible and dangerous than an injured lion or lionesses.  



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