Friday, May 8, 2020

The Animal's Which Is The Finest

The scope and diversity of wildlife and other animal kingdoms on our planet are just breathtaking. Most of the animals have such a magnificent appearance, and you can say they are prettier than humans—animals such as Poison dart frog and as stunning as an Arctic fox. Let's discuss few of them:


Caracal found in the areas of Africa, the Middle East, India, and Central Asia. It belongs to the mammalian kingdom of animals. The name of the Caracal derived from the Turkish words "Kara Kulak," whose meaning is "black ears." Caracal has the variable adaptations that allow it to live in a diverse range of habitat. Including its long tufted and highly flexible ears that help to hear the smallest sound, it also has sturdy hind legs that allow the Caracal to leap several meters into the air to catch the birds. They love to eat small mammals, reptiles, and gazelles.


Zanzibar Red Colobus also belongs to the kingdom of Mammalian. They found in the forest of Zanzibar and on the island off the coasts of Tanzania. They are endangered species, which are not more than 3000 left on this planet. People of Zanzibar say negative views about this animal, and they have named them as poison monkeys because of their unusual and bad smell. They love to live in groups, or you can say in the communities which are consisting of 50 individuals with a ratio of 1:2 of males and females. They eat leaves, seeds, and flowers of different kinds that find in the forests, coastal areas, and swamps. They also eat unripe fruits because they cannot break the sugar in ripe fruits. They are famous for eating charcoal to aid digestion.


Fennec Fox also belongs to the kingdom mammalian. They lived in The Sahara of North Africa, the Sinai Peninsula, and the South West Israel and the Arabian Desert. A thing about this fox, its large ears grow up to 15 cm long. They radiate heat away from the animals and allow it to locate the subterranean prey. The fennec fox is primarily night-time animal, which hunt the small mammals, birds, insects at night. Fennec Fox lives up to 14 years and reaches the size of 40 cm, not including its long tail of 30 cm. They can bark, purr, and snarl, and their main predators are eagle owl. And the word fennec taken from the language Arabic which used for fox.


Polar bears belong to the bear's family. They lived in the natives of Arctic Circle. Polar bears are known as are the largest carnivore in the world. An adult male bear is called a boar, which usually weigh between 350 to 690 kilograms. There are nineteen types of bear's subpopulations, and eight of them are treacherously declining. They are primarily accredited to large scale hunting. They are from the family of Ursidae. They are essential in the Arctic human populations.


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