Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Ban Animal Fight Games

"Animal Fighting" is a gradual fight between two or more animals or between humans and animals for the purpose of human entertainment, gambling, or sport. In some examples, one of the animals can be a "predator" that is used for the purported purpose of sport or exercise. The two most common types of animal slaughter are:

In organized dog fights, two dogs are placed in a ring or pit and fight until one can no longer continue or die. In the case of street dog fights, the level of the organization is practically lacking, with battles sometimes taking place naturally in remote areas of city parks, school grounds, alleys or similar places.

The handler attaches a razor or gaff to each leg of the rooster (usually the left leg), puts it in a ring, and fights until it dies. Participants often view the event as family-friendly entertainment.

Organized animal slaughter is usually a secret industry and very difficult for law enforcement agencies to breakthrough. Therefore, it is rare for an investigator to find an ongoing fight.

Animal fighting activities attract other serious crimes such as gambling, drug trafficking, gun crimes, and money laundering. Children generally take part in animal fighting events. Stealing pets to get prey is also a common by-product crime.

In cases of organized animal fighting where law enforcement officers can confiscate animals in an attack, there are usually numerous animals that need to be cataloged, treated, and protected as evidence during the process. Besides, security measures may be required at the evacuation site because of the risk of theft of animals that are believed to be from the "Champion Pedigree."

Most animals that have been trained for organized fighting are so aggressive that they eventually have to be put to sleep. However, the public prosecutor can request the court to appoint a guardian / special master who will take action in the most excellent interest of the animal concerning final disposal. An individual captain, who was appointed in the Michael Vick Dogfighting case, secured the accommodation of 48 dogs that were not euthanized. Each state has its legal provisions for appointing special masters.

Dog victims usually suffer from constant neglect and cruelty during the "training" process. They often wear heavy chains and have to walk on a treadmill. I went outside without shelter. Give steroids to increase muscle mass, give stimulants, and make them aggressive in combat. They gave them drugs so that they would not feel pain in the fight. They are hungry to make them aggressive, or they can "complain" in contract battles. Then I got treatment for cruel amateur ears and injuries. Women can be trapped in a "rape box" for breeding.

Trainers can maliciously kill dogs that refuse or lose the fight. Methods of killing include shooting, hanging, drowning, and electric shock. In the world of "dog men," the credo is "grow best and fill the rest."

The trainer mercilessly leads the animals to use them as live food. Retrieval methods include the fraudulent purchase of dogs and cats from animal shelters or through "good home free" ads, the establishment of a counterfeit medic, or the theft of pets altogether. It will be. Prey animals are often attacked and torn during training.

Some dog handlers can tie the dog's fur with poison or numbing drugs to harm the enemy.

Innocent people can be afraid of themselves, their children, or their pets due to the criminal behavior of their neighbors or the malicious dogs that they may loosen.


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