Baby love with innocent Dog

This Picture show clearly what our relationship with the animal's.

Two innocent cats

Beautiful scene of two lovely cats watching to the earth from tree.

Three innocent cats

Beautiful scene of Three innocent cats in thinking mood..

Two white lovely Dogs

Amazing Scene of two white colour lovely dogs.

Three lovely pets of Dog

Amazing click of three lovely pets of Dog.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Three Animal's That I Would Love To See In The Wild

Nothing can be more breathtaking than seeing your favorite animal in their wildest nature or can say love to see the wild nature of them. Just like a lion stalking their prey and like of orangutans swinging from trees to trees in the tropical forest. As human has them some specific nature that someone or maybe the,y also love those habits, animals have there too. So here are the three animals which animal lovers will love to see in their wild nature.


Jaguar is famous for their spotted coats. These coats help them to hide in grasses, bushes, trees, and where they live. The rare, all-black jaguar is what we commonly refer to as a black panther. Jaguar is known to eat more than 85 species of prey, including capybara, tapir, deer, birds, squirrels, peccaries, and armadillos. They even snatch fish, turtles, and young caiman from the water.  


The striking okapi- the closet relative to the giraffe which lives in the dense tropical Ituri forest of central Africa. A master of camouflage, its striped the hindquarter, and brown hide helps it “disappear” into the filtered light of the forest. 


Orangutans are famous as the name of the person of the forest. They lived in Borneo and Sumatra. They have a life span of 30 to 40 years long. The legends in Indonesia, who have the orangutans, can speak like humans, but as they notice some human enter in the forest, they get quite. Orangutans have the fear that humans will enslave them if they get this information that orangutans can speak like them.  These long-armed, intelligent primates are the closet relative of humans. They have 97 per cents of the same DNA as humans and some of their habits. Specialties of the orangutans are their long span arms, which are about up to 7 to 8 feet long. They love to swing between the treetops with their long spanned arms. A surprising fact to see is the orangutan covering themselves when it rains by the umbrella-shaped leaves.  

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Animal's Which Attack Most To Human In The Wild

Animals kill humans every passing day as it has been proved that animals are good friends to humans, where It is important not to forget this reality that most of the animals are the cause of human death. Whenever we think about the wildest animals, which bring death to humans, the names of sharks, lions, etc. there are even more ferocious beasts. Both the large and small areas on the Earth planet. Here the list of some deadliest animals who put the humans dead in few minutes without any great effort. 


They are found in the areas of sub-Saharan Africa, including Kruger national park in South Africa. They are relatively mild when they left alone, preferring to travel in the massive herds to graze in the early morning time and the late afternoon too. They also gather to the watering hole so they can hydrate their selves. But if any of the Cape buffalo get the threat or wounded, they become the incarnation of their nickname "BALCK DEATH." Reportedly they are responsible for the hunter in the many areas, these behemoths, which can grow nearly to 6 feet and weigh close to tons of weight. Stalk their prey at charging at the speed of up to 35 miles per hour. When they start running, they never see what has hurt them and others and not even care to attack the vehicles. 


As it is recorded, the elephants kill about 500 people per year. These attacks are becoming more common, maybe due to deforestation or humans. Humans are cutting their habitats and use them to tame for many uses. People use different methods to keep the wild elephant away from them. They have used chili powder and domestic elephants to deter the giant animals from coming to close. 


Lions kill almost 80 to 100 people per year. Some of whom they eat and some of them tear into pieces. Whenever a big cat eats the flesh of humans and actively hunts people, they are called "MANEATER." The teeth and jaws get damage when they keep on hunting the prey regularly.


As they are a popular favorite among animal lovers, tigers are viewed quite fearfully. Their habitats are reducing because of deforestation, so it is difficult for a large number of tigers to live in small spaces. Maybe that is the reason they are killing people so severely and becoming dam terrible beasts. Many of them likely turn to man-eating because of injuries or for getting food. Maybe it is also because they cannot control their territory.


They are typically found in the forests of India and China. They have poison under their tongue. So they spit venom that causes the death of a human in less than twenty seconds or many to be a few minutes. Many people die all around the world by the snake bite, but cobra is one of the ferocious snakes. Its 7 ml venom is enough to kill twenty people at the spot.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Behavior Which Reminds Me That Humans Are Just Animal's

Many natures or types of emotions of humans are just like animals. They have anger, love for others, or family. Humans and animals have many similarities in their behaviors. That is the reason scientist says humans resemble to monkeys. Many animals have some habits like humans too, like parrots help other parrots, like cape buffalo or many birds and cattle humans live in groups or societies form resistance. So here are some natures of humans that show they are just like animals.

Humans just behave like animals when they see a threat and danger around themselves. They move in the form of herds, or you can say crowd form or in groups. Humans instinctively know this. The safest place in the danger is to stay together and face a threat altogether. When there is the initial shock, humans move to the defensive crouch, look and try to find the situation to control or run just like mad cape buffalo to anywhere they can find any way to get rid of that danger.

If  you have ever observed, animals have the same habits as humans, or maybe humans have the same habits just like animals. But apart from this argument, both of them learn their basis from the observations and doing mimicry of word, deeds, task what they see others doing. If you have ever noticed a thing when there is a small baby in the room of 2 years old or older than this. He/she will try to smile when the baby sees you and others are smiling. They smile to get the reactions from others like elders present in the room. When the baby smiles and gets a positive response, they smile back. It is the called the learning by observation. Whenever a mother or father says some words in front of the baby they will try to say those words. Yes, this can be different in an animal that, while doing the mimicry and action by copying humans or another animal they do not know why this action is happening and may get hurt and have to face death. 

As we know, when humans get angry, they become beast. This nature of human resemble to the animals so much. When the animals get angry and go anything irritated to them, they flew in the rage and turn into the beast form. Human’s beast mode is on when they get angry on any other human being or many more than one or if they get anger on any animal. Beast mode means they get violated, and some of them try to kills or some they just try to injure other living beings so that they get rid of them. As it is recorded when humans show more emotions of anger they get worse effect from their health and maybe from circumstance. Because of this beast mode of humans, many humans do the crime of dangerous types in their societies. They kill people just because of their aggression from anything. Sometimes these criminals kill innocent people to satisfy their aggressive nature of the beast in them. It is said humans are humans until unless they are clam, but when they get angry or get out of control, they are terrible and dangerous than an injured lion or lionesses.  


Monday, April 27, 2020

Three Wildest Animal In Their Nature

Nothing can be more breathtaking than seeing your favorite animal in their wildest nature or can say love to see the wild nature of them. Just like a lion stalking their prey and like of orangutans swinging from trees to trees in the tropical forest. As human has them some specific nature that someone or maybe they also love those habits, animals have there too. So here are the three animals which animal lover will love to see in their wild nature.


Orangutans are famous as the name of the person of the forest. They lived in Borneo and Sumatra. They have a life span of 30 to 40 years long. The legends in Indonesia, who have the orangutans, can speak like humans but as they notice some human enter in the forest, they get quite. Orangutans have the fear that human will enslave them if they get this information that orangutans can speak like them.  These long-armed, intelligent primates are the closet relative of humans. They have 97 per cents of the same DNA as humans and some of their habits. Specialties of the orangutans are their long span arms which are about up to 7 to 8 feet long. They love to swing between the treetops with their long spanned arms. A surprising fact to see is the orangutan covering themselves when it rains by the umbrella-shaped leaves.


They have a unique height of 10 feet and 550 pounds in the weight. They are most fond in the areas of India, Nepal, and China. This Bengal Tiger has the secret and authoritative history of the fear and threats in the population across South Africa. These Tiger have a reputation as “Maneater”. They have a distinctive strip coat, and no other tiger has the same one. When these tigers roar, their sounds can be heard two miles away quickly so that they have such fearfulness nature. 


For the first shocking and fantastic thing to know about humpback whale, they are known as the singer-songwriters of the sea. They love the oceans, and their life span is about 80 years long. Facts to make the mind crazy is they are 50 feet long just like a big school bus of the children. It is believed that mostly whale has captured the imagination of humans. The thing for knowledge id Chinese believe that seas ruled by the deity with the body of the whale and the hands and feet of human beings. Humpback whale is the largest specie in the whale kingdom. They are renowned for the acrobatic performances in the oceans or water. And love for their unusual singing habit.  It is recorded that male humpback whale sings 10 to 20 minutes long complex song than the female one. Humpback whales sing the variety of the “dialects” because the songs they sing ate the unique one to the part of whale resistance.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

5 Most Intelligent Animals Of The World

Usually, when we talk or the word of intelligence humans come to our mind, or it would be good to say human baby learns not all but most of their habits from his or her mother’s womb before birth. But to be honest, if only humans are intelligent, then you have not noticed the animals for sure. Then what about the leaning ability of PARROTS and expressions of APES and fighting and protecting nature of who is called as human’s best friend DOG. Here you will find the most incredible and intelligent animals and get their best habits that will make you notice them more.


Great things to know about otters they are the smallest one in the animal world. They usually used to live on the bank of seas and shores of the oceans. The surprising and happy thing to notice is the use of rocks to find their food, to remove the parts of crabs and fish. Otter’s best intelligence is sensing the predator by the difference in the vibrations of the water. Otter’s intelligence is reflected by the childish nature if it. They dance and do sliding at the bank of the rivers and mud.


Human always gets super impressed and emotionally moved whenever animals display “humans” the quality of learning, so “Dogs’’ are one of these kinds of animals. Dogs are called as the human’s best companion. An average dog is as intelligent as the two years old human baby can be. They have marvelous abilities of the learning, protecting, and sense of smell. Dogs are fully aware that their owners are indeed their owners; they live and die for their owners. They have excellent facial recognition skills. It will be perfect to say they have the top-notch emotional sense in them. They can give you cuddles when they notice you are upset or you are about cry. They have a high degree of understanding and learning from their surroundings. They can locate the home from a very distant, and their brain can differentiate the millions of scents. They can learn how to respond to the owner.


These creatures are supremely intelligent animal on our planets. Dolphins and whales are different from human in the way that their primary sense of auditory and with the primary means of the communication. Sperms whale have a large brain than any other of the animal on this planet. As compare to whale dolphins have large brain related to their size. These creatures communicate with their species by the distinctive vocal tones. They are incredibly social, hunts in the groups and travels in the thousands of miles. The best and surprising thing is that beluga whales show the ability to mimic human speech. When dolphins are sleeping the one side of the brain is sleeping, and the other one is aware of getting the threats. 


First things about the elephant are they are incredibly social and one of the faithful companion of the human. As they are large in size, they have the largest brain then any bother land animal of the world. Elephants really can recognize the millions of individual sounds easily. They show a range of emotions of joy, playfulness and grief. They use different tools to find food for themselves. They can mimic the sounds of many humans just by hearing them.  


As to our knowledge, they are cited to be our closest relatives as it has been scientifically proved. Chimpanzees just differ from humans just by 1.23 per cent in their genes. Chimpanzees are particularly skilled when they learn how to play games like chess, poker because of using their game theory nature or skill. They have bad short term memories to know this it is experiment prove that they can remember the location of the number in less than twenty seconds show to them as it will be impossible for humans. They mourn when their love dies. They can learn language by the signs and pass it on to others. Chimpanzees live in very organized hierarchical societies.